October, 2011 – Lake Worth Neighborhood Cleanup Day


Lake Worth Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) to Conduct Neighborhood Cleanup

Saturday, October 22nd on National Make a Difference Day!


LAKE WORTH, FL, OCTOBER 2011: The Lake Worth Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) in conjunction with Lake Worth NSP2 Consortium will be organizing one of the largest volunteer based litter cleanup events in the City of Lake Worth on Saturday, October 22nd from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. This effort will focus on the neighborhoods in the Lake Worth CRA, west of the FEC railway and will include litter cleanup in the streets, alleys and public right of ways. The CRA is dedicated to increasing the attractiveness and livability of the surrounding neighborhoods through projects and programs that benefit the community. For information on CRA programs or the NSP2 program, please visit www.lakeworthcra.org.


The event will begin at 524 South E Street, Lake Worth FL 33460. Volunteers are needed to help pick up trash and debris in this historic neighborhood. For more information or to sign up as a volunteer, please contact Emily Theodossakos at (561) 493-2550 or

[email protected].