October, 2011 – Wellington Garden Club November Meeting Announcement


Wellington Garden Club November Meeting Announcement

The Wellington Garden Club will meet on Monday, November 7th at the Wellington Community Center, 12165 W. Forest Hill Blvd., with a business meeting at 10:30 a.m., followed by lunch at 11:30 and a program at 12:15 presented by Al Salopek, a longtime Wellington resident and a member of the Palm Beach County Beekeepers Association.


Mr. Salopek has begun an educational campaign called Bee Understanding.  His goal is to educate people about the important role the honeybee plays in the cultivation of our food supply.  Honeybees, through pollination, are responsible for approximately 30 percent of the food we eat.  Come learn about the benefits of backyard beekeeping and the threat to honeybees due to the Colony Collapse Disorder.  See an observation hive up close and get a real sense of what a honeycomb looks like and all the activity that goes on inside a hive.


Guests are welcome and there is no admission fee, but seating is limited.  To reserve a seat, please RSVP to Jayne at 561-791-0273.


Submitted by,

Rosemarie Schaefer

Publicity Chairperson
