October, 2012 – Pasta with Gorgonzola Sauce


Yummy Treats


Pasta with Gorgonzola sauce


Pasta with Gorgonzola Sauce from Alessandra's KitchenFrom Alessandra’s kitchen





This is my daughter’s favorite pasta sauce and requested many times in our household (both by daughter and dad).


Although an easy recipe, adult supervision is strongly recommended (dependent on the child’s age), as the dish is prepared on a warm-to-hot stove.




  1. (Deli-) Ham (cut in small pieces) (about 4-6 oz)
  2. One package of gorgonzola crumbled cheese (4 oz)
  3. Milk (about 3 – 4 cups)
  4. Pasta


Mix ham and gorgonzola in sauce pan and heat the pan till gorgonzola is slightly melted and not yet sticky to the saucepan.

Add the milk and warm the sauce (avoid boiling the sauce).

Stir occasionally.


Meanwhile prepare the pasta as per directions on the box.

The best pasta to use is the green (spinach pasta) for this dish,

but any pasta of your choice will do.


Serve pasta in a deeper plate and pour sauce directly over it.


Serve with salad or brocolli on the side.


Bon appetit.