October, 2012 – The Quest for Contacts


The Wellington Chamber of Commerce and
Small Business RoundTable Announce Their Upcoming Event


The Wellington Chamber of Commerce and The Small Business RoundTable have announced The Quest For Contacts on Thursday, October 25th from 5.30 – 7.30 pm.  This event will take place at Utopia at Polo West which is located at 2470 Greenview Cove Drive, in Wellington. 


The evening will begin with a mixer followed by a coordinated, fun, networking exercise.  Attendees will be given a set amount of time to introduce themselves and their companies one on one to each person in the room.   The goal is for those attending to meet and make new business contacts that will be evolve into new business.


This is the last session of the 2012 Small Business RoundTable series.  The public is invited to attend and the cost is $10.  For more information about the Small Business RoundTable, contact Executive Director Michela Perillo-Green at 561. 792.6525 or write to [email protected].   Also visit The Wellington Chamber of Commerce online at http://wellingtonchamber.com/.


Press Release From:                         The Wellington Chamber of Commerce

Regarding:                                            Small Business RoundTable October 25th Session

Written By:                                             Monica Kallas – SharpShooter Marketing Group