October, 2014 – Celebration at the Dog Park


Celebration at the Dog Park in Wellington

It’s time to celebrate, YOU, our clients.  After 20 years in Wellington at the same location, we felt it was important to throw a party for the best clients!

When:  Saturday, November 1st, 2014 at 2pm

Where:  Wellington Dog Park – 2975 Greenbriar Boulevard Wellington, Fl  33414

Who: All our clients of Planco Veterinary Care

What is going on:  FREE, FREE, FREE day.  We have several raffles that will be going on, food, drinks, and general give a ways!

Many have stopped by to get their FREE raffle tickets!  Please, if you’re going to join the Free Party, stop by the clinic to get your FREE tickets.  Without the tickets, you won’t be able to win any of the prizes but you’re welcome to party with us on Nov 1st.

PS Dr. Planco is a regular monthly contributor to AroundWellington.com – read his articles under the header “Paws-itive Press” for timely pet advice!