October, 2014 – Play for PINK


A Message from the Wycliffe Stiffs

Raising Funds for P.I.N.K.

Are you aware that your Wycliffe Stiffs Stickball League, in memory of David Hamburger, past Dir. of Announcers and Scorekeepers, in 2012 helped create the Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza, partnership with Wycliffe CC Play for P.I.N.K.?

The support by Wycliffe Stiffs and eventually Wycliffe CC led to the success and a win, win for everyone involved. This program from our impetus and success , helped moved the program to NY and NJ.

You went to dinner at Anthony’s, and they gave 20% of your check to Play for P.I.N.K. ,Wycliffe CC Play for P.I.N.K. Program. So easy, so enjoyable, rewarding and so helpful.  A piece of cake we would say!!!!!!!!!

So it’s real simple- If you go to Anthony’s in Wellington on 441, in the Isla Verde Shopping Center opposite Total Wine – on any or all of the following dates, Anthony’s will make the same donation.  You must tell your server that you are there for the Wycliffe CC Play for P.I.N.K. Program.

Dates: Mondays in October – Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27

If you are up North, in NY or NJ the same applies.

We trust that you will want to enjoy yourself at Anthony’s as we do every time we go there, and will share this with your friends, even if they are not “Geezer Jocks “like you.

Best regards,

Marty Ross, Commish

Harry Klaff, Dir. of Operations