October, 2015 – Primed in Nine!

Primed in Nine! – October 6th9th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness EventPrimedinNine

Food Stations • Pink Champagne • Auction Items • Gift BagsSeptember 15, 2015 Boca Raton, Florida – Page One Graphics is pleased to
announce their nineth annual PAGE ONE PASSION reception raising awareness
for The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The event will be held at New
York Prime on Tuesday, October 6th, from 6:00 to 8:30pm. New York Prime is located at 2350 Executive Center Drive NW, Boca Raton.Everything will be pink – even the complimentary golf tees! The evening will
include savory appetizer stations, created by New York Prime’s Nick Wood,
complimentary PINK champagne, signature cocktails, and an evening of
networking and raffle items contributed by local businesses. The event
donation is $25 per guest, prepay only.

“I recognized the unique occasion to formulate a passionate partnership with
New York Prime, Boca Raton, putting forth our good efforts for this year’s
“Partners in Prime” event, said Shana, “It’s worth every bit of effort to
ensure we find a cure for this devastating disease.”

Everyone attending will receive a pink bracelet and a

gift bag full of great gifts from area businesses as recognition
of their dedication and support to the cause.RSVP: Please contact Shana J. Overhulser at 561-670-4452. For more
information visit:  www.PageOnePassion.com
and www.BocaLocals.com. Think PINK!# # #


Page One Passion was formed by Shana J. Overhulser, president of Page One
Graphics, in an effort to raise funds and awareness for such charities in a
very fashionable way. For more information please visit:


New York Prime’s refreshingly uncomplicated menu focuses on high quality,
USDA Prime beef for every cut including filets. The steakhouse also features
NY-style sizzling bacon, colossal Baked Shrimp and live Lobster – including
“Big Red” a 12lbs.+ lobster. Open daily at 5pm. For more information, please
visit  www.newyorkprime.com.

PRESS CONTACT: Page One Graphics, 561-670-4452,
[email protected]