Our Journey Through the Human Brain


Our Journey Through the Human Brain 


Buckle up and hang on tight as we take a journey through the human brain! The brain is quite the fascinating organ. It’s literally the command center of the human body and speaks to our central nervous system. Responsible for your best kept memories, your feelings, your emotions and the very function of our bodies. 


My family and I were able to meander through the $2.5 million dollar exhibit, that is now a permanent fixture at The South Florida Science Center and Aquarium. The space spans 2,500 square feet and is a journey through the inner workings of our brain and its functionalities. “The Journey Through the Human Brain,” starts at the molecular and cellular level and transitions into the makeup that is responsible for our hopes, fears and memories. 


When you make your way inside the exhibit, you are greeted by an actual brain that was preserved and put out on display, which by the way was a favorite of mine! There are a number of interactive puzzles and technology stations, 30 to be exact…all leaving you completely immersed and fascinated by the inner workings of the human brain. I enjoyed being able to see both the nerves that makeup the inside of the brain, as well. As for the children, they really got a kick out of putting together a puzzle that made up the entire brain, as well as a section where you could use your five senses to see, smell, hear and touch different items. From a touch screen display, that was essentially an in depth crash course to the human brain and even a fun lie detector test, there was no shortage of educational and interactive fun to be had. 


One fascinating thing we learned was that a person’s brain isn’t fully developed until the age of 25, however 90 percent of a child’s brain is developed by the age of 5…definitely some food for thought. 


“Presenting an exhibit of such depth and breadth has been an incredible challenge, but we have drawn upon the talents and expertise of some of our tops minds in the region and the world,” said Lew Crampton, Science Center President. 


The exhibit is a project that was three years in the making for the science center and is the most advanced display of the brain in the country. With high-tech displays, immersive experiences and state of the art equipment, the exhibit is sure to be a fan favorite, with something for every member of the family.