Palm Health Foundation News

Dear Neighbors,
As we bear witness to deep racial injustice, we must commit to being part of real change. We must show up for our black community by leaning in and listening. We must take responsibility for our own education, both as individuals and organizations.
Palm Health Foundation continues to lean into our Healthier Together and BeWellPBC networks to listen and learn from our community, but even as we continue to learn, we immediately recognize our position of power and influence as a community foundation for health. Over the years, we have engaged in race equity work and committed to learning about the health disparities that impact our neighbors of color – but we acknowledge that we can and need to do better. 
As a funder, we recognize our power over resources that have the potential to influence systemic change. Palm Health Foundation makes the following commitments to fight against racial injustice: 
  1. We will educate ourselves about systemic racism and the impact on black lives and people of color.
  2. We will listen to individuals and communities most effected by racism.
  3. We will explore ways to grow our equitable practices by challenging our own approaches which may implicitly or explicitly contribute to conditions holding racist and discriminatory practices in place.
  4. We will hold one another accountable to these commitments recognizing the deeper reflection required to truly enact these commitments.
  5. We will advance an equity agenda to impact immediate change and to set the conditions for long-term change for generations to come.


I am inviting leadership at organizations across our community to make these same commitments and to hold one another accountable to steward our resources appropriately and equitably. I am also calling on you to continue this conversation about racism, inclusion and justice with your loved ones and those in your social and professional circles. You can start by using these resources compiled by our friends at the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County, or you can do your own research. Together we will create a brighter future for all.
Truly yours,
Patrick McNamara, President & CEO