PB PHOTO CENTRE is Presenting LUMINOUS SEAS by Brian Skerry Through May 28


(West Palm Beach, FL – March 14, 2022) Fatima NeJame, president and chief executive officer of the world-renownedPalm Beach Photographic Centre (PBPC), today reminded friends and fans that is presenting a major new exhibition through May 28:

Brian Skerry

Luminous Seas

“During his 24-year career as a star photographer at National Geographic magazine, Brian Skerry’s work has evolved from a purely natural history focus to highlighting problems in the ocean and illustrating solutions,” says NeJame. “With his exhibition, Luminous Seas, Brian takes us on assignment with him into the sea and guides us through his storytelling journey.” 

This exhibit showcases a personally curated selection of stunning images that have been captured by Brian Skerry during his career as an underwater photographer and journalist. The images feature intimate and fleeting moments with rarely seen behaviors in the lives of marine animals and are the result of thousands of hours spent underwater in a range of ocean habitats.

From coral reefs and mangroves to open ocean and polar seas, Brian captures the life force that exudes from these animals, showing their grace, beauty, and vulnerability. Featured in the exhibit are eight species of sharks, five species of whales, bluefin tuna, manatees, seals and more.

“The photographer’s hope is that you will come away from this exhibit with a renewed love and respect for the ocean and a sense of its fragility. As he has learned from a lifetime of ocean exploration, we are all connected to the sea and tied to her fate,” adds NeJame.

Photojournalist and film producer Brian Skerry—recipient of the Photo Centre’s prestigious 2022 FOTOmentor Award—specializes  in marine wildlife and underwater environments. His  work has been featured in publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, Paris Match, Esquire, and Audubon. He is the author of 12 books, including the acclaimed monographs Ocean Soul and SHARK. His latest book, Secrets of the Whales, was released last year by National Geographic as part of a multiplatform project he created that also includes a cover story in National Geographicmagazine and a 4-part documentary film series streaming on Disney+ that won the 2021 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Documentary.

About the Palm Beach Photographic Centre:

The Photo Centre is located at the downtown City Center municipal complex at 415 Clematis Street in downtown West Palm Beach. Hours are 10 am to 5 pm. Tuesday through Saturday. For more information, please call 561.253.2600 or visit www.workshop.org or www.fotofusion.org.

The Palm Beach Photographic Centre is a non-profit organization dedicated to enriching life through the photographic arts. All donations are greatly appreciated at www.workshop.org/contrib.

aquatic-based photograph by Brian Skerry