Pet Cottage Celebrates 10th Anniversary


JUPITER, FL — JUNE 3, 2022  Wendy Derhak began her unique journey to create The Pet Cottage by taking in 3 cats- Smokey, Jeremy and Shadow- that her friend Joan left to her when she became terminally ill with cancer. Since then, Wendy has made it her mission to give “furever homes” to pets whose owners either passed away, were disabled or left for military deployment. When she began, though, she had no idea where the path would lead. But, since that time- 10 years ago- the word about The Pet Cottage has spread.

A couple of weeks ago, Wendy and The Pet Cottage hosted a fundraising party at their facility in Jupiter Farms. Not only were they marking their 10-year anniversary but, Wendy said, “We were kicking off Phase I of our building campaign- to secure this as our forever home.” And they announced what Wendy called their “Pathway to Forever- where you can literally become a part of our foundation by purchasing a 4” x 8” brick and engrave and customize it to honor your favorite people and pets.”

The dozens of party attendees were treated to chicken salad croissant sandwiches and desserts included cupcakes and swirly lollipops but everyone seemed to agree the highlight of the day was the “green walk,” where pets paraded with a volunteer on the grass in front of all the guests. There was also a silent auction which featured a Sundeck 4-hour boat ride for 7, a professional headshot, and goodie baskets filled with Doggie delights and helped raise in excess of $1,000 more though, Wendy acknowledged, “This is just the beginning,” and much more is needed to help The Pet Cottage purchase their building and the land. Wendy said, “We have more events and announcements planned. Stay tuned!”

Mickey Schmitt with Lil, Suzanne Weinstein and Linda Del Prete (photo: Lisa Gendal)
Bryan and Ellen Daly (photo: Lisa Gendal)