Pets and Coronavirus



By Cristina Anzures, Anzer Animal Hospital

CDC has not received any reports of pets becoming sick with COVID-19 in the United States. To date, there is no evidence that pets can spread the virus to people. Further studies are needed to understand if and how different animals may be affected by the virus that causes COVID-19.

Pets have other types of coronaviruses that can make them sick, like canine and feline coronaviruses. These other coronaviruses cannot infect people and ARE NOT related to the current COVID-19 outbreak.

On March 13, the World Health Organization said “at present there is no evidence that companion animals/pets such as dogs or cats can be infected with the new coronavirus”.

Several global health organizations have issued advisories saying there is no evidence that pet animals can spread coronavirus or indeed be infected with it in the same way as humans.

“Therefore, there is no justification in taking measures against companion animals which may compromise their welfare,” the World Organization for Animal Health has said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concurred that “there is no reason to think that any animals including pets in the United States might be a source of infection with this new coronavirus”.

However, since animals can spread other diseases to people, it’s always a good idea to practice healthy habits around pets and other animals, such as washing your hands and maintaining good hygiene. For more information on the many benefits of pet ownership, as well as staying safe and healthy around animals including pets, livestock, and wildlife, visit CDC’s Healthy Pets, Healthy People website.

  1. The best method of protection remains prevention. There are a huge number of resources available from the WHOon reducing your risk of infection, and the key measures are outlined below:
  2. Wash your hands: For 20 seconds and no less! You can get some handy handwashing tips here.
  3. Maintain social distancing: Try to keep at least 3 feet (1 meter) away from anyone coughing or sneezing.
  4. Avoid touching your face, eyes or mouth: A difficult task, but this is how the virus initially gets into the body.

Walking a dog is important for both animal and human health and well-being. Walk dogs on a leash, maintaining at least 6 feet (2 meters) from other people and animals, do not gather in groups, and stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings. Do not go to dog parks or public places where a large number of people and dogs gather. To help maintain social distancing, do not let other people pet your dog when you are out for a walk.

As an essential business, Anzer Animal Hospital  (561-619-7600) is open and continues to take care of your pets. We follow the CDC guidelines to keep us all safe and have implemented curbside pick up and drop off for most appointments. .Learn about our Covid -19 biosecurity practices.