Private Palm Beach County Grantmaking Organization Improves Access to Health-Related-Resources

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida –The board of trustees for Quantum Foundation, under the chairmanship of Brian Kirkpatrick, recently approved 18 grants totaling nearly $1.5 million for Palm Beach County-based nonprofits.
Quantum Foundation’s mission is to inspire and fund initiatives that improve the health of Palm Beach County residents. The health foundation was formed from $135 million in proceeds from the sale of JFK Medical Center. Now in its third decade of community investment, the foundation has assets of approximately $150 million. Since its inception, Quantum Foundation has awarded $165 million to hundreds of Palm Beach County nonprofit grantees. Every dollar the foundation grants stays in the county to benefit local communities.
“Our grants are intended to support organizations and initiatives that positively influence the social determinants of health,” said Eric Kelly, president of Quantum Foundation. “We have so many distinct health needs in our county and it’s a privilege to fund organizations that serve residents that might not otherwise have quality care.”
Of the grants allocated for the first and second quarters of 2023, $250,000 was distributed to Promise Fund for early breast and cervical cancer detection screenings, diagnostic testing, and treatment services. With Quantum Foundation funding, Promise Fund will implement a countywide educational and outreach plan to increase health equity for 2,000 uninsured women by increasing health literacy, knowledge of healthcare resources, access to early detection screening, and providing evidence-based navigation.
“We are grateful to everyone who participated in the Promise Fund Community Health Summit Committees that prepared and reviewed our ‘Women Owning Their Health’ program,” said Nancy Brinker, founder of Promise Fund. “As a result of these efforts, we were awarded funding through Quantum Foundation in the full amount of $250,000 to implement our initiative beginning June 2023 to June 2025. Our goal is to increase women’s screenings in Palm Beach County through health promotion, marketing, and education.”
For more information on how to apply for Quantum Foundation grants, please visit
Other grants in this cycle include:
Adopt-A-Family ($48,000) – Lake Worth
With Quantum Foundation funding, Adopt-A-Family will provide stable housing and improve the overall mental health outcomes of 55 clients.
Children’s Bereavement Center ($45,000) – All of Palm Beach County
With Quantum Foundation funding, this project will bring CBC’s four-part Grief-Informed Certificate training series to a minimum of 100 behavioral health professionals. The School District of Palm Beach County has provided a letter of support for the project so that more of their staff are competently trained to help their students deal with loss.
Connections ($70,000) – West Palm Beach
With Quantum Foundation funding, Connections Education Center will provide direct nursing and supportive healthcare services for up to 120 students on the autism spectrum and their families to lead to a healthier student body, a safer school environment, and families with better resources to care for their child(ren) with autism spectrum disorder.
Els for Autism ($80,000) – Jupiter
With Quantum Foundation funding, Els for Autism will provide high-quality autism diagnostic services and subsequent educational and therapeutic interventions to 20 individuals and families.
Genesis Community Health ($300,000) – Boynton Beach and Boca Raton
With Quantum Foundation funding, GCH will make investments to improve their internal operations to increase their overall sustainability efficiency to increase overall revenue to keep the clinic running and serving disadvantaged residents in Palm Beach County.
Heart2Heart Senior Outreach Program ($25,000) – Boynton Beach, Boca Raton, and Lantana
H2H has made significant strides to reduce social isolation among our growing senior population by utilizing trained volunteers to respond to the social/emotional, cognitive, psychological, and physical needs of underserved seniors. Quantum Foundation funding will enable H2H to train 140 volunteers who will be able to reach 650 seniors.
The Lord’s Place ($100,000) – All of Palm Beach County
With Quantum Foundation funding, TLP will provide housing and wraparound services to 290 households (400 adults and children) experiencing homelessness. These families will improve their housing stability, economic security, and health and well-being.
Meals on Wheels ($75,000) – All of Palm Beach County
With Quantum Foundation funding, MOWPB will provide 25,000 free/subsidized meals to 105 veterans who are current clients and will provide an additional 12,000 meals to 45 new clients identified as veterans.
Mission Clinic ($61,500) – Palm Springs and Lake Worth
With Quantum Foundation funding, MC will increase access to primary healthcare to an additional 500 patients and behavioral health to 30 patients to support the growing Spanish and Creole populations in Palm Beach County.
Nonprofits First ($75,000) – All of Palm Beach County
With Quantum Foundation funding, Nonprofits (NF) First will enrich the NF infrastructure to continue to provide programs and services that have a significant impact on the operations, success, and sustainability of the nonprofit sector. Additionally, it will provide support for NF to address the ongoing need for education and leadership programs and management support that empower nonprofits with the knowledge, resources, and collaborations to grow and succeed.
Palm Beach County Food Bank ($60,000) – All of Palm Beach County
With Quantum Foundation funding, PBCFB will deliver 75,000 pounds of produce (equivalent of 62,500 meals) to increase access to healthy food for low income, food insecure residents of Palm Beach County.
Palm Beach County Health Department ($100,000) – All of Palm Beach County
With Quantum Foundation funding, PBCHD will improve access to evidence-based preventive dental services for 4,000 children at Title 1 elementary schools in Palm Beach County.
Pathways to Prosperity ($50,000) – All of Palm Beach County
With Quantum Foundation funding, P2P will serve 40 participants to help them overcome poverty and achieve financial stability in order to improve their social well-being, which will impact their overall health outcomes.
Project LIFT ($75,000) – Belle Glade
With Quantum Foundation funding, Project LIFT will provide evidence-based mental health services through the unique platform of vocational training to 200 teens, reducing juvenile recidivism and replacing negative behaviors with positive self-esteem and career skills.
Restoration Bridge International ($50,000) – All of Palm Beach County
With Quantum Foundation funding, RBI will expand programming by adding additional mobile distribution sites in Belle Glade and West Delray Beach, identified by PBSO officers as communities in need. By bringing food directly to these communities, RBI and PBSO are alleviating hunger and stopping food insecurity. With the addition of two mobile food distribution sites per month, RBI and PBSO will serve an additional 1,400 families.
Rose Trolley ($18,000) – West Palm Beach
With Quantum Foundation funding, Rose Trolley will purchase two lithium batteries that will allow Rose Trolley to stay mobile longer and allow them to reach more residents.