Rockwell Green Short Mat Bowls


Submitted by David Dainton

A combined Green &  Hemyock Short Mat Bowls players travelled  to Torquay, England  for a week-long  competition,  which was a new experience for them.  After getting settled into their rooms  they went to the arena and were surprised at the size , with 12 mats laid out , practice  was aloud  before competition started on Monday.

32 teams were taking part from as far afield as Swansea, Kent , & Cornwell.

The competitions  comprised of four sections   Singles  . Pairs , Triples & Fours  The party was split into groups as to who would play in which . From start to finish they found it hard work  meeting some  England players which proved to be to good for our party.    As the week progressed, a few wins came our way but not enough to qualify for the Friday finals day . The only team to win any thing  were Joy ,Barbra Doreen, Christen & Mick.   

Who were given the booby prize  for gaining the least amount of points during the week but came home with a bottle of wine each .   It also came as a big surprise when John Stephens was given a certificate  for his  vocal  accompaniment.

Short Mat bowls is played indoors at Rockwell Green village hall, the club has been running for 20 + years. Most of the members are over 70 years.