September, 2009 – The Truth about Bottled Water


jathy-hi-techLiving Green

Why Do We Scream About Gas At $3 A Gallon…

But Willingly Pay Nearly $16 a gallon for bottled water?


By Jathynia Garcia 

It is a fact that the global bottled water industry has become very profitable in the past ten years. Huge multinational companies currently make billions of dollars on water they simply extract from the ground, slap a label on and sell at competitive prices. Examples of these companies include: Aquafina (Pepsi), Dasani (Coke), Perrier (Nestle), Evian, and Fiji Water among hundreds of others. But what are some real facts about bottled water? Is it truly safe on the environment? How will it affect the generations to come? Here are some mind-boggling facts:

Bottled Water Facts

  • The United States is the world’s leading consumer of bottled water. In 2006, bottled water consumption in the US reached a record 8.3 billion gallons, 185 million gallons of which was imported. The total amount spent on bottled water was over $11 billion.
  • In contrast to tap water, which is distributed through an energy-efficient infrastructure, transporting bottled water long distances involves burning massive quantities of fossil fuels.
  • Making bottles to meet Americans’ demand for bottled water requires more than 1.5 million barrels of oil annually, enough to fuel some 100,000 U.S. cars for a year.
  • It costs more money to drink bottled water than to put gas in your car–up to five times more–due mainly to its packaging and transportation.
  • 86 percent of plastic water bottles used in the United States become garbage or litter.
  • Buried water bottles can take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade.
  • Studies show that consumers associate bottled water with healthy living. But bottled water is not guaranteed to be any healthier than tap water. In fact, roughly 40 percent of bottled water begins as tap water; often the only difference is added minerals that have no marked health benefit.
  • Bottled water companies do not have to release their water-testing results to the public, whereas municipalities do.
  • A city’s tap water cannot have any E. coli or fecal coliform bacteria, while bottled water is allowed a certain amount of these bacteria. In addition, most cities’ tap water must be tested for Cryptosporidium or Giardia, common water pathogens that can cause intestinal problems, including diarrhea. In contrast, bottled water companies are not required to conduct these tests.
  • People pay from $1 to $4 a gallon for the perception of higher quality when, in fact, the quality of bottled water is at best unknown! Over 90% of the cost of bottled water is in the bottle, lid and label.
  • On average, one person uses 166 disposable plastic water bottles each year.
  • If everyone in New York City were to use a reusable water bottle for one week, for one month, or for one year it would make a significant difference in reducing waste. 
    One week = 24 million bottles saved 
    One month = 112 million bottles saved 
    One year = 1.328 billion bottles saved


Water Filters

The best alternative to tap water is in-home water filtration. With an in-home water filter you can have better than bottled water quality for under 10¢ a gallon. Fill a reusable water bottle from your filter and you are good to go!!

There are so many benefits to having ultrafiltered water at every faucet.  Of course, it eliminates the on-going cost and inconvenience of bottled water.  Beyond that, 

  •   You’ll enjoy “bottled water” taste from every tap — no more unpleasant taste or odor


  •   It’s healthier: this system removes 99.99999% of bacteria & 99.9% of viruses from your water supply…while also significantly reducing particulates & chlorine without removing the essential minerals in the water you drink


  •   There’s no energy used, and it continues to filter water for your home (even if there’s a power failure) — so there’s no electric or gas costs.


  •   Your appliances and pipes may last longer, since particles that build up and damage working parts won’t get there to start with!


  •   It reduces dry skin & allergic reactions that chlorinated water can cause


  •   The system cleans itself — automatically — every day


  •   And there’s no significant impact on water pressure


There are many options on water filter systems. From water softeners, to reverse osmosis, even ultraviolet filtration systems, from single cartridge filters to whole house system, there are many possibilities & depending on the condition of your water a licensed water specialist will advise you of what specific filtration system will best suit your family. And, you can pay for your in-home filter system with all the money you will save by reducing or eliminating your bottled water purchases!!

FINAL TIP ….Reusable Water Bottles – Want to do something good for the environment and for your health? Instead of buying bottled water, which is a big waste of resources, try filling a reusable water bottle from your tap or filter.

So ditch the bottle and save money by getting a water filter system that meets your needs. Contact your local plumbing company or visit for a complimentary analysis of your water. We even offer maintenance plans to continue providing you with clean, peace of mind, great tasting drinkable water… just as if it were coming out of the bottle.

Thinking Green? If you think green is the right choice for your upcoming plumbing project, we invite you to call us at Hi-Tech Plumbing about adopting a green remodeling philosophy. Hi-Tech plumbing is a local plumbing contractor in your local Wellington area who specializes in green building and remodeling, so you can be sure that your new plumbing is as green as it comes. For more information visit our website at or call our office at 561-790-6966.