September, 2009 – Wellington Community Center Business Meeting


 September 14th 2009 (Monday)Lunch at 11:30 am, Business Meeting and Program – 12:15 pm

Wellington Community Center


            Dr. Pridgeon is presently a Sainsbury Orchid Fellow at the Royal Botanic 

Gardens, Kew Gardens in London, an author, editor and co-editor and a researcher with a PhD in biology specializing in the study of orchids.


In his presentation, Dr. Pridgeon promises “to transport the audience out of 

Wellington to the “Realm of Wonder”, entering through the orchid gate. 

Passports, visas and vaccinations are not required prior to the embarkation from the Community Center. All that you need to bring with you is a toothbrush, 

camera and a healthy suspension of disbelief. Those of you who have not already made the journey know that it is a land both benevolent and sinister, bright and dark, beyond the tentacles of time and the perimeter of space, a land called by many names in world literature – “Wonderland”, “Oz”, “Never Neverland”. You will see orchids of all colors, shapes and sizes, most of them photographed by our speaker, in his world travels. Some flowers will be beautiful, some nondescript, some hideously bizarre.” In his multimedia presentation, Dr. Pridegron “will explain why they look and function the way they do before returning us safely back to the shores of Lake Wellington.”


            In orchid circles Dr. Pridgeon is perhaps best known as past Editor of the American Orchid Society Bulletin (now titled Orchids) and Founding Editor of the 

scientific orchid journal Lindleyana. He has written and co-written numerous 

articles, co-directed five videotapes, edited 14 books including The illustrated 

Encyclopedia of Orchids, and compiled the Orchid Action Plan for the “Species Survival Commission” in Geneva.


            As a biologist, specializing in anatomy and systemics of orchids, a researcher who has traveled to exotic lands he will take us on an unbelievable journey through the world’s  “Wonderland” of orchids that promises to be quite a memorable experience.   


(561) 798-5109.  [email protected]


Public is invited, however seating is limited so please call Beverly at 561-791-2722.