September, 2009 – Caribbean American For Community Involvement’s 20th Anniversary Celebration!




Caribbean American For Community Involvement (CAFCI)

20th Anniversary Celebration (9/11 – 9/19/2009)


CONTACT:      Lydia Patterson

                      Phone: (561) 313-6512

                      email:  [email protected]



The Caribbean American For Community Involvement (CAFCI) kicks off a week-long program of activities, ending with the annual Friendship Ball on 9/19/09, at The Royal Palm Beach Cultural Center, 151 Civic Center Way, Royal Palm Beach.  It is a celebration of 20 years of dedication to encouraging community outreach, cultural diversity, volunteerism, health awareness, youth development and educational scholarships.


Supporting the cultural traditions of their Caribbean heritage; working together with other community organizations and public officials; and spearheading projects that encourage the improvement of the quality of life of Royal Palm Beach and surrounding communities, are an important part of CAFCI’s mission.  Garnering the sponsorship and support of the Village of Royal Palm Beach, and The Palm Beach Cultural Council, is a recognition of the value, that the organization has added to the Western Palm Beach region.


After organization in 1989, as The Caribbean American Friendship Club, a change to its current name occurred in 2000, to reflect its broader mission of creating and sponsoring charitable events, that inspire a greater respect and mutual understanding among various ethnic/cultural and religious groups.


Activities and programs include: hosting, with the sponsorship of the Village of Royal Palm Beach and The Palm Beach County Cultural Council — Cultural Diversity Day, Martin Luther King Day;  The American Cancer society — Relay For Life; chartering Cub Scout Pack 120, Boys Scout Troop 111 and Venture Patrol 2111; financing student college scholarships (two of which, are the “Vivian Ferrin Memorial Scholarship” and “My Brothers Sisters Keepers” Scholarship); and a Youth Talent Show.


CAFCI’s individual members’ volunteer activities, have included,  board memberships with Palms West Hospital, and currently Wellington Regional Hospital,  Commissioner Jess Santamaria’s “My Brothers,My Sisters Keepers Charitable Trust, Crestwood Performing Arts League, and local Community Education, Recreation, and Planning & Zoning Boards.



For information on the Annual Friendship Ball / tickets, call Lawrence Logan (561) 791-0162; and for CAFCI, email: [email protected]; website: