September, 2009 – Hospice of Palm Beach County Receives Top Accreditation


August 13, 2009
Contact: Jennifer Martinez, Communications Manager
Hospice of Palm Beach County
(561) 273-2194 or
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>

Hospice of Palm Beach County’s Stellar Reputation
Awards Them Top Accreditation

PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL. – Hospice of Palm Beach County is proud to announce they have once again earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval. In receiving this recognition, Hospice of Palm Beach County has demonstrated their dedication to compliance with state-of-the-art standards on a continuous basis, including national standards for healthcare safety, for their home care program.
The unannounced visit took place in mid-June and evaluated provision of care, treatment and services, rights and responsibilities of the individual, and environment of care, among other areas.

“We strive for excellence each day,” said Vivian Dodge, Director of Performance Improvement at Hospice of Palm Beach County. “To again be recognized with this prestigious accreditation only reinforces the incredible care that is put into our work and the facilities we provide for our patients and families.”
In 1984, Hospice of Palm Beach County was awarded the first hospice accreditation in the State of Florida. They have continuously received accreditations since. For more information on Hospice of Palm Beach County, or The Joint Commission’s Accreditation, please call (561) 848-5200.
About The Joint Commission:
Founded in 1951, The Joint Commission seeks to continuously improve the safety and quality of care provided to the public through the provision of health care accreditation and related services that support performance improvement in health care organizations. An independent, not-for-profit organization, The Joint Commission is the nation’s oldest and largest standards-setting and accrediting body in health care.
About Hospice of Palm Beach County:  
Hospice of Palm Beach County, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization is dedicated to meeting every need of patients and families faced with advanced illness. The organization offers a comprehensive range of programs and services – from nationally recognized hospice care to music therapy, massage and loss-specific healing services. Full bereavement support is offered to hospice families and to anyone in the community in need.
Care is provided wherever the patient is – the home, skilled nursing or assisted living facility, hospital or hospice inpatient unit, including the C.W. Gerstenberg Hospice Center in West Palm Beach, the Jay Robert Lauer Hospice and Palliative Care Unit at JFK Medical Center, the Bethesda Memorial Hospice and Palliative Care Unit at Bethesda Memorial Hospital, and the Hospice and Palliative Care Units at Delray Medical Center, Good Samaritan Medical Center, and Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center. Hospice of Palm Beach County’s focus is on quality of life. The organization is sensitive to and respectful of religious, cultural and personal beliefs. For information about Hospice of Palm Beach County, please call (888) 848-5200 or visit

Licensed since 1981
 Accredited by The Joint Commission 501(c)(3) Not-for-Profit Organization
Accredited as a Jewish Hospice by the Palm Beach County Board of Rabbis, Inc.
Serving all of Palm Beach County – Boca Raton to Tequesta, the Glades to the Beach