September, 2010 – 33rd Season of Wellington Women’s Club


The 33rd Season of Wellington Women’s Club Kicks Off

To: Around Wellington
From: Wellington Women’s Club
Contact: Allyson Samiljan – 561-798-6741
Date: August 13, 2010


Photo info:

Planning the Meeting, Wellington Women's Club Members
Planning the Meeting, Wellington Women's Club Members

1. Wellington Women’s Club Board Members planning the Club’s activities.
L-R: Susan D’Andrea, 1st Vice President for Programs; Phyllis Burke, Co-President; Cindy Yurecka, 2nd Vice President for Membership; Debi Macedonio, Co-President; and Linda Eisenberg, Treasurer (absent, Stacy Kaufman, Corresponding Secretary, and Linda Rosbrough, Recording Secretary)

2. Wellington Women’s Club Co-Presidents. L-R: Phyllis Burke and Debi Macedonio.

L-R: Phyllis Burke and Debi Macedonio
L-R: Phyllis Burke and Debi Macedonio


The Wellington Women’s Club will kick off its 33rd season with a dinner meeting on Thursday, September 2, 2010, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Binks Forest Golf Club, 400 Binks Forest Drive, Wellington. The Club, which is open to any woman residing in the Western Communities, supports two primary causes, the Mary Rubloff YWCA Harmony House, a shelter for abused women and their children, and college scholarships for area high school seniors.

In addition to enjoying an extensive buffet dinner, members and guests will be entertained by a local comedy duo, sisters Ginger DeLong and Judy Rowan, known professionally as N-Joy. Their act is fun with an element of audience participation.

Dues for the 2010-11 year is $250 ($260 with a 2- or 3-month payment plan) and includes dinner at all meetings and a discount for the spring fundraiser. Five-month seasonal memberships are also available. The guest fee is $30.

The Club will host a free open house on Thursday, September 16, 2010, from 6 to 8 p.m., also at Binks. “A Woman’s Affair” will feature food, entertainment including a DJ and a psychic, vendors such as Binks Forest Golf Club, Massage Envy, Avon, and a floral design company, make-up consultants from Bobbi Brown, Mac and Ulta, and the opportunity to learn more about the Wellington Women’s Club. Bring a friend and come out for what promises to be a fun-filled evening.

For additional information or to make a reservations, please contact Allyson Samiljan, 561-798-6741.