September, 2012 – Wellington Garden Club Meets


Wellington Garden Club Meeting on Sept. 10th


The Wellington Garden Club will meet on Monday, September 10, 2012 at the Wellington Community Center, 12150 W. Forest Hill Blvd. with a business meeting at 10:30 a.m. followed by lunch at 11:30 and a program at 12:30 presented by Mr. James Currie.

Mr. Currie’s program, “Birding Adventures from Around the World,” will feature video clips from his TV exploits filming our planet’s amazing bird life. A life-long wildlife enthusiast and native of South Africa, he is fast becoming the most recognizable face in birding in North America. He hosts the popular birding TV show, “Nikon’s Birding Adventures” on NBC Sports Network, now going into its 5th season.He also hosts the action birding show “Aerial Assassins” on National Geographic, aired in the US and worldwide in 2012. He has led professional wildlife and birding tours for 15 years and his passion for birding, adventure, and remote cultures has taken him to nearly every corner of the globe. Visit his website at and don’t miss this exciting and entertaining presentation.

Guests are welcome and there is no admission fee, but seating is limited. To reserve a seat, please RSVP to Jayne at 561-791-0273.