September, 2013 – And Baby Makes Three


Mommy Momentsmelanielewis_2012

…And Baby Makes Three

By Melanie Lewis

Irresistible, aren’t they? Cute, cuddly, babies. They’re sweet, innocent and a clean slate of human history.  How is the future brand new king of England any different?  Not much at all really.  It’s a similar bundle of joy for new parents to gaze at and grandparents to dote.  And, that I find somewhat equalizing.  Now that Kate Middleton has had her baby I feel as though we’d have much more to chat about if we sat down face to face.  She may have a jet-setting lifestyle, glowing beauty and radiates princess poise, but mom-to-mom we’d be able to talk for hours.  The average gal may not have the wherewithal to possess a glamorous life like hers.  But, one thing moms everywhere can relate to is having our own precious baby.

Anytime I met another mom, we would share details of our pregnancy.  We would share what were our food quirks, if we were queasy and the increasing displacement of clothing.  Any other mom would become like a sister.  I think Kate is the most approachable royal in residence.  And with kids, how much fun would a play-date be?  Hanging out at the palace creating embarrassing moments like when the kids put bubble bath in the fountain or tormenting the Beefeaters.

Kate and William, beaming with their new baby (George). Photo: AP.
Kate and William, beaming with their new baby (George). Photo: AP.

Likewise, any mom could sit down and talk about the minute to minute details of birthing stories.  We remember them better than anything else.  Who carved the Thanksgiving turkey in 1996?  Forget it.  But who was in the delivery room cutting the umbilical cord?  We KNOW!

If the royal family is truly hands-on, they will be waking for feedings all hours of the night and snuggling their precious bundles.  I know there were a lot of sleepless nights and it’s something we can all relate to. The odd thing is, remembering the tough nights isn’t as vivid as the moments of milestones.  Remember the first time looking at their faces, feeling them snuggle on our chest, trying to wrangle a diaper on and my personal favorite seeing the smile while making silly sounds and faces.  Wouldn’t you like to be there to see a dignified royal like Prince Charles or Queen Elizabeth coo and gaga in baby-talk voice?  While they may seem like stuffed shirts, the baby is just the ticket to give us an equal footing in the world of parenthood.  Anyone could agree we’re all part of the same human family with our precious newcomers.

The entire process of pregnancy and birth gives a piece of that humanity we share.

Melanie Lewis is the mother of 2 active young boys.  She is married and works part-time as Silpada representative and a weight loss consultant. She enjoys book club, and playing with her Blue-mitted Ragdoll, Percy and Golden Retriever, Rosie.  She can be reached at[email protected].