Sharing Recollections of Seders past


Hadassah Florida Atlantic invites you to learn, share recollections of Seders past, sing & find peace at our virtual Women’s Seder with noted Cantor Debbi Ballard on Thursday, March 18, 2021 from 11:00am-1:30pm. Bring your own Passover meal. To partake in the Women’s Seder, the cost is $36.00 per person. Write a Pesach wish in the Haggadah at the cost of $18.00 per line. Funds to benefit  Hadassah Medical Organization. Participants will receive electronic copies of the Haggadah & song sheets before the Seder. Questions call 877-949-1818.

To register, visit:

Submitted by Iris Sandberg, Marketing Chair for Hadassah FL Atlantic, [email protected]