Solstice Peace Celebration


This Thursday, December 21, Lake Worth Interfaith Network (LWIN) invites people of all faiths and no faith to gather at the Quaker Meetinghouse in Lake Worth Beach to celebrate a Peace Solstice. Recognizing the indissoluble connection between inner personal peace and outer community and world peace, the program will feature music, dance, a yule fire, and spoken word to console and inspire. The Quaker Meetinghouse is located at 823 North A Street. The program will run from 7 pm to 8:30 pm.

Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa festivities all center around light and hope as captured in the phrase “Peace on earth. Goodwill toward all.” The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year. As the days begin to grow longer people around the world feel deep meaning in the increasing light, new beginnings, and hope.

This year, LWIN is answering a call from Abrahamic Reunion and other peacemakers around the world for individuals and groups to rouse the hope of peace by lighting a candle, holding a moment of silence, or gathering to celebrate in community. The website,, provides details.

These activities are nonpartisan and do not take sides in any conflict. Rather, they hold out hope that conflicts, such as in the Holy Land, in Ukraine, and elsewhere can eventually be resolved and the various factions can find amicable ways to co-exist. As Michael Macy, the organizer of solstice peace events in the UK explains, “Peace is constructive. Every building ever built, every tree and plant that has ever taken root and grown is a result of peace.”

Admission to Thursday’s gathering is free. Join friends and neighbors for an inspiring evening. May peace prevail on earth. Salaam, Shalom, Pace, Peace.

Lake Worth Interfaith Network is a group of individuals and faith-based communities dedicated to promoting acceptance and understanding among our diverse spiritual traditions through prayer gatherings, education, and compassionate action.