Something Positive in Our Community


Every day there is someone doing something positive for themselves, their family, and the community.  The same goes for companies who have an incredibly positive impact sometimes not only locally, but nationally, and even internationally.   While they do, too often those stories go unnoticed.  Those people fly under the radar, and instead, we hear about those who are negatively impacting the world in one way or another.


In terms of sustainability, there have been amazing strides made and continuing to be made.   While those often get overshadowed, in favor of more negative coverage, it does not mean that it is not happening.   It is easy, for example, to see all of the trash that is left out on the beaches or in the parks, even on the street but there are also many clean up efforts as well.


Over the past couple of weeks, I have been witness to several organized beach clean up groups and same for the local park near me.  That is not to say there is not much more work to do, because there is, as there are countless opportunities.  There are incredible simple solutions that can make a huge difference to not only the well being of the planet but also to the beautification of our local community.


Instead of throwing an empty water bottle on the ground, how about recycling it?  How about parents teach their children to do the same?   How about putting it into a recycle bin, and if there is not one available where you are, how about waiting until you get home?  How about use a reusable water bottle instead of using plastic water bottles?


Plastic, of course is a major issue as are so many other issues that go above and beyond the environment, but for every issue there is a need for a solution.   Instead of seeing environmental and community issues as only negative, how about seeing them instead as opportunities?   There are opportunities for innovation.  There are opportunities for new ideas, new policies, and new inventions to name a few.


Recycling, for example, has been made more difficult due to China no longer accepting plastic to be recycled there.   That has led to companies to explore other options to reduce plastic materials.   Likewise, some municipalities have started banning single use plastic straws.  Making more reusable options available is also a strategy being utilized.


In terms of what positive contributions are happening locally, I would love to get your feedback.   What are some positive stories of people and/or companies that are making a difference?   I would like to interview them, and I would like to get their story, or yours.