Step Out


Step Out davidplumb

By David Plumb


See a star, a simple bird

Feel your feet

Hold the moon in your palms

Make your own toys


You are the children

the violins, the strings

Let go the horns,

the drums


Walk the halls

the alleys, the steps

the avenues

Hold hands with friends

Walk the forest

The simple dawn

Say owl


and dog


Talk to rabbits and ants


and monkeys in the sky

Listen to their stories

and simple days

of cross word puzzles

scratch pads

leaves blowing

waiting for

waiting to

love the moment

that is you


Tomorrow beholds


rhubarb, eggs

maple syrup



Look at that tree

Watch it sway

Know the apple

tastes best if

tree veins freeze


You are the cloud

the magic wand

the simple walk

on this amazing
