(West Palm Beach, Fla.) Wednesday, October 19, 2022-Nonprofits First recently held the Sixth Annual Hats Off Nonprofit Awards at the Kravis Center in the Cohen Pavilion. The sold-out event celebrated nonprofit organizations in Palm Beach County that contribute and dedicate themselves to improving and strengthening our community. Chaired by Dr. Peter Cruise, of FAU, the ballroom had over 650 people in the room wearing hats of all shapes and sizes, from cowboy hats, hard hats, and top hats to hand-made themed hats. The emcee was Bill Bone who inspired the audience with his eloquent presentation. Music from the nonprofit, Digital Vibez set the tone with popular beats to move and shake as people made their way to the stage to accept their awards. The energy felt in the room was a true sign that the nonprofit community is back stronger than ever.

“The 2022 Hats-Off Nonprofits Awards (HONA) were the best ever.  Nonprofits First is pleased to host this event annually to celebrate and honor our nonprofit community dedicated to the business of doing good. It was truly a night to remember.” said Jessica Cecere, CEO of Nonprofits First.

The honorees are:

Nonprofit of the Year:

Small: Youth Empowered to Prosper

medium: Friends of Foster Children of Palm Beach County

large: Arc of Palm Beach County

Nonprofit Volunteer of the Year: Lorraine Petrozza, Community Partners of South Florida

Nonprofit MVP: Jackie Struller, Restoration Bridge International

Nonprofit Professional of the Year: Trudy Crowetz, Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County

Nonprofit Executive of the Year: Julia Dattolo, CareerSource Palm Beach County

Lifetime Achievement: Diana Stanley, The Lord’s Place

Community Collaborators Award: CROS Ministries Caring Kitchen Program, Interfaith Committee for social services, and Delray Beach Police Community Outreach

Nonprofit Innovation Award: Morningday Community Solutions

The Best Hat Award: Holy Ground Shelter for the Homeless

People’s Choice: The Hanley Foundation

Funds raised from the evening benefit Nonprofits First educational programs. These programs focus on professional development, leadership, and training that nonprofit community volunteers and employees need to lead and succeed.

About Nonprofits First, Inc.:

Since 2005, Nonprofits First, Inc. has been the leading resource for strengthening the administrative and operational capacity of nonprofit organizations in the community. Comprised of experienced professionals, consultants, and volunteers, the vision of Nonprofits First is a community in which all nonprofits achieve their highest level of the desired impact. For more information, visit