This Month at PBA 


This Month at PBA 

Homecoming and Family Weekend —Palm Beach Atlantic University will celebrate Homecoming & Family Weekend virtually Oct. 1-4. Mike Donehey, lead singer of the worship band Tenth Avenue North, will lead a time of prayer and worship, and President Dr. Debra A. Schwinn will give the State of the University address. Watch the activities and view the schedule here.

Wordship Month — Wordship is a new University initiative that emphasizes worshiping God by using words to build up, rather than tear down. Communication Professor Dr. Stephanie Bennett will lead students, staff and faculty through a related study on Tuesday evenings through the month of October. Just as PBA has blessed Palm Beach County through 52 years of Workship, our signature community service program, we would like to bless our divided society by practicing respectful conversation that honors, even those with whom we disagree.


Pandemic Perspectives — Due to popularity, the University will launch another session of Pandemic Perspectives, a free community course, on Oct. 1. Participants complete the course at their own pace and may choose to complete all or some of the 12 core sessions, depending on which topics they find most interesting. View the course outline and register here.

Looking Ahead 

Franchise Leader Speaking Dina Dwyer-Owens, author, motivational speaker and franchise leader, will speak 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 18 in the DeSantis Family Chapel in conjunction with the Titus Center for Franchising Advisory Board meeting. Contact [email protected] to watch online or make arrangements to attend on-campus.

Need an expert? Professor Dr. James Todd, an expert on the Supreme Court, can speak about the confirmation process and political implications of the vacancy. Members of the Palm Beach Atlantic faculty are available to speak on a variety of topics. For information, please visit our Experts Guide: