Unicorn Children’s Foundation Launches New Fall Virtual Support Programs


As Back to School Begins Virtually for Kids with Special Needs, Unicorn Children’s Foundation Launches New Fall Virtual Support Programs

Boca Raton FLAugust 21, 2020 – Approximately 20% of students enrolled in public schools are identified as eligible for exceptional student education services.  The digital delivery of educational curriculum globally has not adequately met the needs for many in this population due to accessibility challenges and social isolation.  In response, The Unicorn Children’s Foundation is launching a series of virtual support classes, clubs, and workshops to fill these gaps and help their families navigate this “next normal”.  These programs are intended to supplement the educational curriculum provided in schools by providing classes for building resiliency, special interest courses, employment supports, extracurricular activities, and social opportunities.


Sharon Alexander, CEO of the Unicorn Children’s Foundation, shared “So many families are concerned about the skill regression and increased social isolation since schools ended in-person learning in March and plan to start the school year virtually.  We have listened to their concerns, and while this format is not optimal, we are offering a variety of programs to ensure that we can keep these most isolated members of our community engaged and feeling supported.”


The Unicorn Connection Hub has begun enrollment for a variety of courses which will launch between August 25 and September 21.  The classes will be a series of weekly sessions including: mindfulness, introduction to coffee, music, fashion design, job club, and jewelry making.  The workshops include: candle making, soap making, and pet care.  The clubs include: learning Spanish and a social connection club.  All of these programs are collaborative in nature and will be taught by community partners and subject matter experts, such as: Aspire Accessories, aZul for Better Living, Mind&Melody, and ScentsAbility.


A parent of a student in our summer Job Club shared “I must say I love overhearing him from the next room!  It was so nice to see his face light up when he saw his new friends each week.”


During these unprecedented times, we must innovate to ensure that the most vulnerable members of society have opportunities to find meaning and purpose as engaged members of the “virtual” community.   To review the program descriptions, schedule and complete the registration form, visit https://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org/fallclasses.html.  A limited number of scholarships may be available to families who can demonstrate financial need.  If you need additional information, please call (561) 620-9377 or email [email protected].



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About the Unicorn Children’s Foundation

Unicorn Children’s Foundation is a 25 year old non-profit organization that is dedicated to building communities of acceptance, support, and opportunity for kids and young adults who are challenged by special needs and neurodiversity by supporting or developing its cradle to career pathways.  Our initiatives connect families to community resources, advocate for inclusive opportunities, respect differences, empower individuals, and support success.  With 1 in 6 children being diagnosed with a developmental or learning disorder, we believe it is our responsibility to create a world where all children’s potential can flourish.  To learn more about the Unicorn Children’s Foundation visit http://www.unicornchildrensfoundation.org. Also available on Facebook and Twitter.