August, 2010 – Urban League Wins National Awards


Urban League Wins National Awards 


WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – The NULITES of Palm Beach County have a lot to celebrate. During the National Urban League’s annual convention, the group took top honors as Chapter of the Year and Tamesha Chambers won NULITER of the Year.

“I’m thankful for this, I’m thankful for you,” said program coordinator Gloria Scott during a NULITES celebration meeting Thursday. “I don’t consider this work, I consider it a passion and when you love what you do, you don’t call it work,” Gloria explained.

As their mentor, Gloria was honored as “Caring Adult of the Year.”

“All I can remember is one of the kids saying ‘that’s you get up!’ And I sat there for a few minutes before it really sunk in….I feel privileged to impart something in these children that they will remember.”

For the past six years Gloria has been a driving force, pushing the students to excel in education, leadership, and community service. “The National Urban League NULITES program is a arm of the school, the home, the community…We’re filling in the gaps.”

 “We nurture them, I always tell them we’re a family…If one succeeds we all succeed,” Gloria said.

NULITES meet monthly on the 1st Thursday of each month starting at
6:00 pm at the Urban League. Dinner is provided. To join you must be ages 10-18 and complete the NULITES application.

For more information please contact Gloria Scott at 561.833.1461 ext 3012 or email [email protected] or visit the
Urban League Palm Beach County