Wellington Enhances Resident Engagement with Release of Multiple Interactive Budgeting Tools


Wellington announces the launch of multiple resident engagement interactive budgeting
tools – Balancing Act and Taxpayer Receipt, the Budget Challenge online survey, and
Flashvote – throughout July and August 2024.
The first release on July 8, 2024 is for two innovative budgeting tools, Balancing Act and
Taxpayer Receipt for the FY 2025 Budget season. These interactive platforms empower
residents by providing them with comprehensive information and opportunities for active
participation in the budget development process.
Balancing Act offers residents a hands-on experience in exploring the Fiscal Year 2025
Proposed General Fund Budget. By modifying allocated funding and witnessing the
real-time impact on the overall budget, users gain valuable insights into the trade-offs
and considerations inherent in budget planning. This interactive simulation fosters a
deeper understanding of Wellington’s budgeting process, building trust in the allocation
of funds and encouraging resident input and recommendations.
In addition to Balancing Act, Taxpayer Receipt provides residents with an unofficial,
itemized receipt showcasing how the Village spends tax dollars. Taxpayer Receipt
offers a transparent breakdown of programs and services supported by residents’ tax
contributions, ensuring transparency and accountability in public spending.
“We are excited to continue the use of Balancing Act and Taxpayer Receipt, two
essential tools that enhance resident engagement in the budgeting process,” said Jim
Barnes, Wellington’s Village Manager. “These tools not only provide residents with a
deeper understanding of how their tax dollars are spent but also offer them the
opportunity to
actively shape the future of our community by sharing their perspectives and

The Budget Challenge online survey will open July 17,
2024 following Council’s consideration of the proposed Fiscal Year 2025 TRIM (Truth-
in-Millage) Proposed Budget. This online survey focuses on residents’ priorities and
considerations and will be available on our webpage through August 1, 2024.
Following on August 1, 2024, the Flashvote budget survey will open.
These multiple platforms expand outreach and engagement opportunities. Residents
are encouraged to visit the dedicated webpage at Wellingtonfl.gov/BalancingAct to
access both the Balancing Act online budget simulation tool and Taxpayer Receipt.
Here, they will find detailed instructions and user-friendly features that will help them
explore different budget scenarios. Webpage information for the Budget Challenge and
Flashvote will be available as they are released.
Residents are also invited to attend the three budget hearings on August 13th,
September 3rd, and September 19th at 7 PM at Village Hall (12300 Forest Hill Blvd).
These hearings offer an ideal platform to learn more about the Village budget and
provide input that will be considered before the final budget adoption.
Wellington remains committed to fostering transparency, resident engagement, and
effective public spending. With the help of these outreach options, the Village empowers
its residents to become informed advocates for the services and programs they value
For information about other Wellington programs, events, activities, and updates, please
visit www.wellingtonfl.gov or watch WellingtonTV for the latest happenings.