Wellington Garden Club installed new officers for 2023-2025 at its spring luncheon held at Wellington National Golf Club on May 1, 2023. The officers were installed by former FFGC District X Director Emilie Palmieri of the Boca Raton Garden Club.  The new officers are Carol Ralph, President; Petra Russell, First Vice President; Kristi Westrup, Second Vice President; Danese Sloan-Kendall, Treasurer; Marianne Forrest, Assistant Treasurer; Cynthia Gardner, Recording Secretary; and Jan Seagrave, Corresponding Secretary.

Also at the luncheon, awards from Florida Federation of Garden Clubs (FFGC) were announced by Twig Morris, Awards Chairman. They included awards for the club’s newsletter, Allamanda News; the 2022-2023 Yearbook; the community gardens at Wellington’s Boys & Girls Club; the 2022 Garden Tour; and a certificate for 751 trees planted.  The following individual awards were also announced: Leadership Award, Maria Wolfe; Digital Photography, Paige Griffin; Flower Show Bromeliad Award, Christine Biscoglio and Flower Show Educational Award, Twig Morris.

In addition, Kathy Siena, FFGC Earth Steward Chairman, presented the Earth Steward Recognition Certificate and pin to John Siena for his many years of work with the Boys & Girls Club Community Garden.

Also on the agenda at the luncheon, John Siena presented college scholarships to area students who are pursuing careers in Horticulture, Botany, Environmental Science and related fields. This year’s scholarship winners are Samantha Anthony, Sabrina Jacques, Shovik Saha, Logan Shishkowsky and Peter Sumell.

Wellington Garden Club, founded in 1981, is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to educating its members and the public in the fields of gardening, horticulture, floral design, landscape design, conservation of natural resources, civic beautification and youth education.