Wellington Garden Club Presents Awards at Spring Luncheon


Wellington Garden Club Awards Chairman, Twig Morris, presented several members with awards from the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs (FFGC) at the Club’s Spring Luncheon.

Kathy Siena won the FFGC Award for Outstanding Service during the 10 years she has been a member. She has served as WGC President, Assistant District X Director, and Youth Contests Chairman.  She currently serves as WGC Tree Planting Chairman, Youth Garden Clubs Chairman, Co-Leader of the Boys & Girls Club Community Garden, FFGC Earth Steward Recognition Chairman and WGC Facebook Chairman. Each year in September, she organizes the community-wide tree planting event for National Public Lands Day in partnership with the Village of Wellington. WGC is proud to honor Kathy with this FFGC Award for Outstanding Service.

Two new WGC members, Chrissy and Steve Wood, won the FFGC Arlington Dolly Morris Award for the landscape renovation they did in the 25’ x 25’ back garden of their Wellington townhouse. This award is given to FFGC members who are non-professional gardeners who renovate an existing garden or install a new garden on their property. Chrissy and Steve accomplished this over a two-year period by adding trees and shrubs to create a private backyard oasis filled with colorful plants that attract many species of birds and butterflies and obscure the view of a duplex home behind their property. Congratulations to Chrissy and Steve for this well-deserved recognition.

In recognition of the outstanding work done by Jan Seagrave and Maria Wolfe to install and dedicate Blue Star and Gold Star Memorial Markers at Wellington’s Veterans Memorial Park, a Blue Star Memorial Pin was presented to each of them. It is quite an achievement for a club to install these markers in two successive years. Kudos and thanks to Jan and Maria for facilitating these installations during each of their terms as WGC President.

Susan Hillson, Former WGC President, became a three-star member of the FFGC Tri-Council which signifies that she completed all three of the National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC) schools: Environmental Studies, Gardening Studies and Landscape Design. In recognition of her achievement she received the FFGC Tri-Council pin and a certificate. Since Susan is also an NGC Accredited Master Flower Show Judge she also received a Four-Star Member certificate from NGC.