Wellington Idol 2014


Winners announced for Wellington Idol 2014

Wellington is proud to announce the winners of the Wellington Idol 2014 competition!



Jessica Pereira – Grand Prize Winner


Jade Master – Division 1 Winner

Princess Victome – Division 2 Winner

Sara Nelms – Division 3 Winner


As the Grand Prize winner, Jessica Pereira won a $500 cash prize. All three Division Winners received a $250 cash prize.

Wellington would like to thank our judges Earleen Carey Marlow, Jody Marlow, Jason Evan Fisher and Michael Lifshitz, as well as our emcees Rocky Duvall and Mike Sober for this great event. All of the Wellington Idol competitors proved there is an amazing pool of vocal talent in our Great Hometown!

For information about other Wellington programs, events, activities, and updates, please visit www.wellingtonfl.gov or watch Channel 18 for the latest happenings.

David Feliciano | Digital Media Manager | Village of Wellington | 12300 Forest Hill Boulevard | Wellington, FL 33414

Tel: 561-791-4185 | Fax: 561-791-4045 | [email protected] | www.wellingtonfl.gov