Wellington Ranked #13 Among the Top 50 Safest Cities in Florida


Wellington Ranked #13 Among the Top 50 Safest Cities in Florida

Wellington has been named one of the safest cities in Florida in a recent study performed by the research website www.safewise.com. Wellington ranked 13 on the list, which may be viewed here: https://www.safewise.com/blog/safest-cities-florida/

The website ranked the 50 safest cities in the state based on FBI crime statistics. Rankings are based on the number of reported violent crimes (aggravated assault, murder, rape, and robbery) in each city.

Wellington staff works closely with the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office to ensure the safety of Wellington residents. In addition, the  Village’s Community Services Department has a number of initiatives in place to inform and educate residents.

The Walk & Talk program, for example, opens the lines of communication between Community Services Representatives, Code Officers, and Community Policing Deputies.  The Sheriff’s Office responds directly to questions related to neighborhood criminal activity. This program also provides residents with pertinent information such as contacts within Wellington’s Code Compliance Department, and important resources such as Property Standards information.

The Neighborhood Watch program includes three major components: PBSO, Neighborhood Advocates, and Community members.  Community members are briefed on the crime statistics in their neighborhood, and are given crime prevention tips to help deter and eliminate potential crime.  Wellington residents serve as extra “eyes and ears” for law enforcement.  Through Neighborhood Watch, Wellington has seen a significant reduction in crime, better quality of life, a greater sense of security & responsibility, and a resounding sense of community pride & unity.

As another way to stay informed on the latest news and updates from the Village, residents are invited to sign up for Wellington information and updates at www.wellingtonfl.gov/Newsletter.

For information about other Wellington programs, events, activities, and updates, please visit www.wellingtonfl.gov or watch WellingtonTV for the latest happenings