WHS Debate Team


The Wellington High School speech and debate team is having a silent auction on 4/24/19 and are hoping to raise money to help with travel expenses and tournament fees.


The state of Florida cut funding for this program and the Palm Beach County district and the high school do not allocate a budget to help this program.

If you would be willing to donate a gift card , service or item of any amount to their fundraiser auction they will greatly appreciate it. They will also be advertising  for your business as well as providing you a tax deductible form!

Thank you for considering to donate to this amazing program!

For more information, please contact Paul Gaba at [email protected]


About us: Wellington High School Speech and Debate team or The Red Dawn Debaters, is a highly competitive and successful team. We compete at regional, state, and national tournaments. Our team of debaters are a dedicated group of individuals and our goal is to help and teach others the values of being a debater such as hard work, responsibility, leadership, and never giving up.