Why I Joined Beautycounter


Why I Joined Beautycounter

By Briana D’Andrea

Many people have asked me why I’ve joined Beautycounter and my “why” is pretty simple. Making healthy choices and living a health conscious lifestyle was something my husband and I were already doing. All of our shopping has been done at Whole Foods Market (right down to our toilet paper), for more than half our lives. Over the years, I made it a point to swap out cosmetics and skincare I grew up using, to household products I felt I needed to be cleaner. After a sort of product trial and error personal experiment and making way too many trips to the customer service counter (they knew me by first name…ha!) I thought “Ok, I have finally taken the majority of the toxins in and around my home and replaced them with better brands.”

Fast forward a couple years and two beautiful kids later and believe it or not, I felt like I wanted to do more! I wasn’t really sure what I was going to do or how I would achieve that so-called goal, but there was this need for purpose. I knew being mama to my beautiful baby boy and girl was my number one priority and there was no way I was giving up being able to be home and raise them. Enter Beautycounter…it wasn’t so much about the products the company was selling as it was about the mission. It was what the company stood for that drew me to the brand. “To get safer products into the hands of everyone.” 

This resonated with me. This was my “aha” moment! For years I worked in the media business, as an On-Air talent. As many know in the industry, your face is your brand, I know mine was. So, when I managed to put the pieces of the puzzle together, it all fit. As a reporter and producer, you have this thirst for knowledge, thirst for getting information out to the public immediately, thirst to make a difference in the world. Beautycounter would give me the opportunity to do just that. I would join these empowering women, with my same beliefs, who are pushing legislation to enact stricter laws when it comes to cosmetics. 

Did you know that the U.S. has not changed any regulation on this issue since 1938 and has banned only 30 chemicals to date, as compared to the 1,300 banned by the European Union? Those numbers are startling!! According to FDA.gov The Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act, “ Does not require cosmetic products and ingredients, other than color additives, to have FDA approval before they go on the market.” What I loved most, was that Beautycounter wasn’t going to stand for it, and instead, they chose to ban more than 1,500 harmful chemicals from products we put on our largest organ, our skin, no matter the cost.

When I was pregnant with our children, I had some mild allergies to some of the products I was already using that claimed to be natural and then when my daughter was born with a mild case of eczema, I was back to the trial and error drawing board. I refused to use brands recommended by doctors, that apparently would help cure her skin issues. I too started to feel like the makeup I was using was making me itch around my eyes, the products I had grown to love and swear by were somehow letting me down. I did extensive research on Beautycounter and one thing I found and respected about the brand was that they were a BCorp. Ever heard of Toms shoes? These companies are required to meet strict standards of social and environmental performance, accountability and transparency in order to qualify. Not to mention they have a partnership with EWG.org., a company devoted to the research and education of what is in our foods and products. This was the icing on the cake for me!

Now I’ll be able to surround myself with like-minded individuals who get it, to raise my babies how my husband and I see fit and to continue my career as a voice in the community and a liaison for change. My dream is to live in a world where my children, family and friends don’t have to worry about watching their loved ones become ill, for them to be able to go to the grocery store and put items in their cart they don’t have to second guess. To grow old enough to live fulfilled lives without dealing with infertility issues, organ failure and cancer. Enough is enough. The time for change is now, even if it is one lip gloss at a time.












I hope you can understand the need for change in both our country and our government regulations. Changes you’ve made to your diet should influence the changes you can make around your homes and what you put on your bodies. You can reach out to me anytime to discuss ways to make progress towards your family’s health. I’d be glad to help in any way I can. Visit my website at www.Beautycounter.com/brianadandrea to learn more about Beautycounter and how you can change your health and financial footprint. Feel free to give me a call or connect with me on Facebook.

I’m incredibly passionate about this mission, the company and the products. If you feel like this interests you and would like to learn more about the ground floor business opportunity of putting safe products in the hands of everyone, please

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With love, happiness and health,

-Briana Xo