Rotary Club’s Annual Peace Ceremony


Rotary Club of Wellington Annual Peace Ceremony.

In support of Multi-Cultural Understanding and Conflict Resolution.

Poster designed by overall winner Ryleigh Villapando of Equestrian Trails Elementary

Date/Time. Sunday Sept. 24th at  3pm.  (program runs for approx. 1 hr)

Place. Rotary Peace Park. Royal Fern Drive. (next to main Library)

Schools Programs Winners.

Poster Competition.   $75 (Over all winner).  Others $50.   All teachers $50

School.                                          Student                                Teacher

Equestrian Trails.             Ryleigh Villapando (Over all)     Ms. Marzello

Binks Forest.                        Colten Pride.                              Mrs. Wilson.

Elbridge Gale.                      Angelina Gustafson.                  Dr. Crane.

New Horizons.                       Lara Tolosa.                              Mrs. Gacharna.

Poetry Comp.       Students.  $75.     Teachers  $50

Polo Park.                               Stephen Benhardus.                Ms. Hrusca.

Emerald Cove.                        Sonya Smith-Tembe.                Ms. Kenimer.

Wellington Landings.             Catherine Paulitz.                    Ms. Epstein.

Essay Comp.         Students.  $100.      Teachers  $50.

Palm Beach Central.                 Alexandra Dacruz                  Mrs. Tamayo

Wellington High.                        Caitlin Lee.                             Mrs. Vollrath. 

National Anthem singer.          Olivia Henley.

SMART AWARD WINNER (Student Mediator).     Jayme DeRamus. Palm Beach Central High.   President “Together Against Genocide” club. Organized PB Central “International Day of Tolerance” and made PB Central a “No Place to Hate” school.

Community Peace Award.   Kathy Foster. 1st Mayor of Wellington.  Founder. Wellington Cares.

Traditions Choir.   (Palm Beach Central High)       Director Scott Houchins.

May Peace Prevail on Earth.  (read in 8  languages)  Co-ord. Ravi Culbertson.

Peace Proclamation.    Mayor Anne Gerwig.

Rotary Volunteers.     Larry Kemp (Chair)   Don Gross. Susan Odell. Amber Owen. Debbie Sanacore. Tom Carreras. Randy Pfeiffer. Jay Broder. Tom Eastwood.