October, 2009 – It’s a Busy Month!


evan-baumelTEEN TALK

by Evan Baumel

It’s a Busy Month!

October is homecoming month for Palm Beach County high schools. Traditionally, homecoming is when the alumni from years past come back to visit their alma mater during the homecoming football game. The week begins with a flurry of activities that promote school spirit. It would be to your advantage to participate. 

While some of the activities may seem childish, they can actually be quite enjoyable if you get involved. Powderpuff football, where the cheerleaders play football (class against class) and the football players are the cheerleaders, is both entertaining and amusing. 

Since the Wellington High School homecoming theme is “Decades,” the lip sync contest will surely incorporate music and costumes from the 50’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. A variety of clubs will have fun building their floats for the homecoming parade. This year will be different from previous years in that the parade will precede the carnival on Thursday, October 15th, rather than the homecoming game. This is due to a scheduled teacher work day on Friday, October 16th. The week will also include pep rallies and the homecoming dance. I strongly encourage students to try to attend the homecoming dance. It’s much less formal (and less expensive) than prom, and the entire student body is invited, so get your tickets before they sell out. 

One thing that I notice year after year is the lack of involvement on the part of the freshman and sophomore classes. They don’t know what they’re missing!  

Homecoming week is a wonderful opportunity to be involved in the activities planned by members of student government. They put in an extraordinary effort to make homecoming week as enjoyable as possible. Also, try to be supportive of your team and attend the homecoming football game. 

By the 15th of October, most Palm Beach County secondary schools will end their first quarter. It is surprising how quickly the first grading period has passed. In the midst of all these activities, be sure to pace yourself with your schoolwork. Try to plan ahead and don’t let your grades start to slip. 

Of course, the other notable event in the month of October is Halloween. Rather than trick or treating, most high schoolers get together with friends at Halloween-themed parties. You can still creatively dress up in costume, overload on candy and watch a scary movie.  

October is filled with exciting and enjoyable events. With any luck, the weather will be pleasant and start to cool down. Rainy season is just about over, so let’s hope for clear skies on Halloween night. However, knowing south Florida, I would bring an umbrella… just in case. 

One last reminder for seniors: if you are in the process of applying to colleges for either early action or early decision, don’t forget to submit your applications by November 1st. I will discuss colleges and the application process in further detail in the next issue of Around Wellington. Have an optimistic October!


Evan Baumel is a senior at Wellington High School. He’s involved in Debate, National Honor Society, Key Club, politics and writes for the school newspaper.