May, 2015 – AW in Pics


Just a few highlights of happenings Around Wellington. For many more photos, visit the link “Photo Galleries” on this site! For recent videos, click on our “Videos” link.

By Rollin McGrail. Visit
By Rollin McGrail. Visit
At the Wycliffe Stiffs annual stickball luncheon...a very funny luncheon indeed. Former TV anchorman Jim Sackett served as the key note speaker. Photo by Krista Martinelli.
At the Wycliffe Stiffs annual stickball luncheon…a very funny luncheon indeed. Former TV anchorman Jim Sackett served as the key note speaker. Photo by Krista Martinelli.


Hereos in Medicine luncheon. Photo by Carol Porter.
Hereos in Medicine luncheon. Photo by Carol Porter.