September, 2015 – The Truth about Chiropractic


Ask the DocsRandyL2


The Truth!


Don’t read this if you want to feel better!


By Dr. Randy Laurich



I say, “Don’t read this if you want to feel better, but read it if you want to heal better.”

Science, philosophy, and art – what does this have to do with feeling better or healing better?  Well, the science behind chiropractic is documented with research and years of proof that when the nervous system functions better, the entire body functions better. The philosophy of chiropractic is if the intelligence of the human body has interference then it doesn’t function the way it was originally intended.  Just like a finely tuned automobile, your body needs fine tuning and chiropractic can help tune your system.  We are the only profession that looks at the structure of the neural-skeleton, which is comprised of the spine’s structure and how it relates to the nerves. The art of chiropractic is based on how each doctor corrects the structure of the spine.  Some doctors use a full spine approach, some doctors just adjust one or two bones of the spine and some doctors use instruments to adjust. What does it mean to adjust the spine or structure?  An adjustment is a force into the structure of the spine to allow the impulse from the brain to get through without interference.


The weight of a dime can decrease the function of a nerve by 60%.


The most important thing to understand is chiropractors help the nervous system to function better, allowing the body to function and respond to stress.  To learn more, please call The Wellness Experience at 561-333-5351.



If you would like to hear more about how you can improve your quality of life, Dr. Randy Laurich will be presenting, “How to Heal Better” on Thursday, September 24 from 5:30-7pm at the Wellness Experience in Wellington. Refreshments and light bites will be served.


Dr. Randall Laurich


The Wellness Experience of Wellington, Inc.

(561) 333-5351

Helping to make Wellington Well!