December, 2015- Karate instructor celebrates 35 years


December, 2015- Karate instructor celebrates 35 years

Wellington, FL october 23-25, 2015: Sensei Keith Moore, Chief Instructor at Genbu-Kai Karate, marked his 35th year in the martial arts this past October. During the weekend events, instructors and students traveled from different U.S. locations, to train and celebrate with the Genbu-Kai Florida school. The weekend events were filled with training seminars in Karate, Kobudo (Okinawan weapons), and Batto-Do (Art of cutting with the Japanese Katana). During the awards banquet, students received kyu level (below black belt) ranks for their recent testing and Sensei Moore was presented with a very nice sword, as a token of appreciation from the students and parents. Also, Brent Bedwell was presented with his first degree black belt rank in karate.

Pictured 1st row L to R (kneeling): Alasdair Webber, Gordon Webber, Taiga Ramsey, Kota Ramsey, Joseph Wong-Valentin, Peter Steyn, Marjorie Bedsole, and Megan Starr. Pictured 2nd row L to R (standing): Leah Paterson, Francis Lie, Robert Paterson, Eugene Ryzhikov, Mike Simms(Ohio Rengo-Kai), Sensei Keith Moore, Senpai David Jones (NC Genbu-Kai), Adam Segal (GA Genbu-Kai), Melanie and Dawn Anderson (IN Genbu-Kai), Ron Martin, Brent Bedwell, Mike Hritcko. Genbu-Kai Karate is conveniently located in the Wellington Market Place Mall, for more information on the classes, please call 561.804.1002 or visit our website at

35th Seminars