Wellington Thanks Frontline Heroes Through Creative Community Project


Wellington Frontline Heroes Thank You Project

Wellington is working with Schaefer Drugs, the Neil S. Hirsch Boys & Girls Club, and local schools to deliver Thank You cards to healthcare heroes at Wellington Regional Medical Center and Palms West Hospital.

Throughout the week of April 20th, the Village will hold a friendly competition between local elementary and middle schools to see who creates the most Thank You cards. The schools with the most submissions will be treated to an Ice Cream Social once school returns and social distancing orders have been lifted.

Wellington’s Community Services Department staff will also encourage young residents to participate in this community gratitude project by providing construction paper, crayons, and pencils to children at the Wellington Boys & Girls Club.

At the end of the week, Wellington’s Council will join Schaefer Drugs to deliver the cards to Wellington’s two area hospitals. The goal is to flood both hospitals with gratitude and words of encouragement.

Village residents who wish to join in this gratitude project may mail their thank you cards to Village Hall (12300 Forest Hill Blvd., Wellington Fl, 33414) or drop them off at the designated drop-box outside of the building, now through April 24th, 2020.

Residents may stay informed on the latest news and updates from the Village, by signing up for Emergency Alerts at wellingtonfl.gov/Alerts and following Wellington’s Social Media Pages.

The Village has created a Coronavirus webpage that contains preparedness information that will be updated regularly.