December, 2020


December, 2020 – Enjoy the Holidays!

By Mayor Anne Gerwig

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that things don’t always go as planned. Since March, COVID-19 monopolized our community’s conversation and hasn’t left room for much else. We went straight from talking about lockdowns, Zoom fatigue, masks, and temperature screenings to all of the above plus a very active hurricane season, and a Presidential election. What a year it’s been! Now, we are officially in the holiday season, and continuing to focus on ways to bring our community together, safely. This is a special time of year, filled with family, friends, and community. It is also a time to reflect on the passing year, celebrate with loved ones, and look toward the New Year.

As we prepare for the holidays and look forward to community events ahead, I invite you to visit the Village’s website for important information and a complete list of upcoming events.

Before we get into all the fun events and activities, I’d like to share an important reminder: we are still dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic.  The number of COVID cases continues to rise nationwide and Palm Beach County is no exception. Public Health Officials warned us earlier this year that we might see a rise in the number of cases in the fall and winter months. It remains as important as ever to stay vigilant & continue doing the things we have been doing to protect ourselves, and our community. Contact tracing reveals the newest spread is not occurring in public, but rather in households and around family and friends when we let our guard down. Many spreading the virus don’t know it. Now is NOT the time to let your guard down. By following the 3W’s (washing your hands, watching your distance, and wearing your mask) and avoiding the 3C’s (closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings such as close conversations), you can significantly lower your chances of ending up in the hospital or spreading the virus.

Please remember that frequent and regular social interactions among extended families provide multiple opportunities for COVID-19 to spread. When interacting with people outside your household, it is important to wear masks and maintain social distance. We know this year has been difficult for many families, who have been kept apart for months. However, we are not in the clear yet, so please consider keeping your celebrations small, with only members of your household.

One of the best parts of living in Wellington is enjoying our family-focused holiday events. While we’ve had to make some adjustments this year, we’re excited to continue our favorite annual traditions and come together to create new ones. Start your December festivities off with Winterfest 2020 “Live From Your Ride.”  This event, presented by the Wellington Chamber of Commerce, takes place on December 5th at the Wellington Green Park (2175 Wellington Green Drive) and features performers including DJ Johnny Quest (Master of Ceremonies), the School of Rock, Alex Shaw, and Vanilla Ice.  Visit the Wellington Chamber’s website to purchase tickets and for more details.

Next is the popular Annual Wellington Holiday Boat Parade. Join us on the Town Center Promenade (behind the Community Center) on December 12th from 6:25 PM – 7:45 PM to watch local boats float along Lake Wellington, decorated in holiday lights and themes.

Join us from December 26th through January 1st for our virtual Kwanzaa Celebration. Community members and leaders from all walks of life will come together in celebration of African-American culture and traditions. Visit Wellington’s website for details.

Social distancing, hand sanitizing, and masks will be required at each event.

Writing this column and sharing a few of the ways that we can gather as a community this season is one more blessing I can count on in my own life. I am very grateful for the privilege of serving as your Mayor. The past year has been filled with many challenges. I want to personally thank you for the sacrifices you’ve made as individuals and as a community.

As you gather together with family or friends, please keep in mind our hospital staff and first responders who’ve worked so hard to keep us safe. If you have a chance to make someone’s holidays a little brighter, do it!

On behalf of the Village of Wellington, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and many blessings in the year to come.