May, 2009 – May Pictures


Illustration by Rollin McGrail.

Royal Palm Beach Rotary Club Gives Back to P.A.N.D.A.
The Royal Palm Beach Rotary Club presented a collection of funds raised by Rotary members and their families to Yvette Branch of the Oakwood Center of the Palm Beaches. The special presentation, Pennies for PANDA, took place on April 16, 2009 at the Village Golf Club in Royal Palm Beach during Rotary’s regular meeting. PANDA is a substance abuse residential treatment program. PANDA stands for Pregnant AND Addicted. The project was initiated to bring more awareness to the infant and child mortality in the community. (Pictured) RPB Rotary Club President Scott Armand with Yvette Branch and Rtn. Tony Armour.
There was something for everyone at the annual Binks Forest Science and Math Fair. From what is the most prevalent color in a bag of M&Ms to which brand of litter cats like the best and even a project that weighed the intake versus outtake of their baby brother. Students used their imaginations to gather information and display their hypotheses, procedures and conclusions. Photo by Lois Spatz (561-790-1056).
There was something for everyone at the annual Binks Forest Science and Math Fair. From what is the most prevalent color in a bag of M&Ms to which brand of litter cats like the best and even a project that weighed the intake versus outtake of their baby brother. Students used their imaginations to gather information and display their hypotheses, procedures and conclusions. Photo by Lois Spatz (561-790-1056).
Fun at the Binks Forest Science Fair. Photo by Lois Spatz.
Fun at the Binks Forest Science Fair. Photo by Lois Spatz.