March, 2011 – For the Record, Your Dog Is Not a “Schnorkie”


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For the Record, Your Dog Is Not a “Schnorkie”


By Stephanie Karpf, DVM



You also do not own a Pekiepomadoodle, Maltichow, or a Labrakita.   Designer dog breeds have become quite the rage in recent years.  Many “breeders” put themselves out to be specialists in creating these hybrid dogs.  The problem is that these dogs are not purebred.  They are…mutts. 


A purebred dog breed, is one in which you can breed a male and female of that breed, and obtain offspring that hold the very same characteristics of the parents.  The dogs “breed true” for certain traits.  These traits can be both physical characteristics, and temperament qualities.  In most cases, these breeds have been developed over hundreds, if not thousands, of years.  I can feel very confident that if a family comes to me and asks for a breed recommendation concerning a good fit with their young children, that a Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, or Pug would be good for them.  I can know this, because these breeds have been developed to show certain qualities.  If a client tells me they are thinking about purchasing a Dachshund, I can tell them that this breed is very prone to back problems, so they should be sure to keep their dog at ideal body weight.


In the case of a mixed breed dog, these qualities are variable.  When you breed one purebred dog to another purebred dog of a different breed, the offspring will look and behave in unpredictable ways.  These offspring will more often than not, be wonderful pets.  But I cannot say that they will be like the mother, or like the father or even be a mixture of both.  They are not purebred, and therefore do not breed true for a specific characteristic with any certainty.  When a client asks me if Labradoodles are good watch dogs, or if Puggles are prone to a certain disease, my answer will always have to be…”I don’t know.”  These are not purebred dogs with definable, repeatable traits…so nobody can really know this answer.  If you breed a Cockapoo to another Cockapoo, you don’t get Cockapoo puppies.  You get another type of mixed breed puppy.  Cockapoos do not breed true. Designer dog breeders are putting themselves out to be something they are not, and people who buy designer mutts, are often being deceived into believing that they own a purebred dog.


Don’t take all of this to mean that I don’t love mixed breed dogs.  I love mixed breed dogs!!!!  I have owned mixed breed dogs and I highly recommend them as pets.  There are many, many mixed breed dogs in shelters all over the world that need homes.  And, you can have one of these mixed breed dogs for little more than a modest donation to the shelter.  You need not pay 100s or even 1000s of dollars to take home a mutt that needs love, and will give love in return. 


I am really happy for all dog owners that have found furry family members, whether they are German Weimerations, Boxihuahuas, or Lhasa Bernards.  However, for those interested in acquiring a mixed breed dog, I sincerely hope that you consider saving a life at a local adoption center before purchasing something that you can have for free.



 Dr. Karpf is the co-owner of The Visiting Vet, a veterinary housecall service for dogs and cats in Palm Beach County.   For an appointment, please call (561)-252-8874.