March, 2011 – Learning to Skate


Learning to Skate


By Krista Martinelli


Learning to Skate
Learning to Skate



I thought I already knew everything

About how to skate

How to glide, turn, loop

Into a figure eight.


But with two little ones

Everything is new

Learning to balance

While supporting two.


Catching, wiping tears,

Pulling up, brushing off,

Wiping noses, putting on gloves,

Encouraging words and stronger stuff.


Your first bad fall on the ice

You never forget

But there’s nothing like your kids falling –

Learning to let


Go – because it’s good for them

Laughing, falling, hurting, mending

It hurts to watch

It’s never-ending.


Krista Martinelli is the editor of, the online Wellington magazine, and she’s a mother of a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old.