April, 2009 – Reflecting on Battlestar Galactica


THE SPACE ROOMAnna Sanclement

by Anna Sanclement


Reflecting on Battlestar Galactica



As the end of the Battlestar Galactica series nears, the more sad I seem to get that one of the best shows on TV is going away. If all of you BSG fans feel as I, you know what a void this will leave. As I write this, there are only three episodes left, but by the time you read it ‘You Will Know the Truth’ and it will be some crazy truth, I’m sure! BSG not only satisfies every Sci-Fi geek’s need for great space effects, but it also consists of some outstanding acting, gripping dialogue, manic suspense and nail biting tension.

I have to admit that at first I was not a fan; well, to be precise I really wasn’t very aware of the series. Then, both my husband and I heard from different people what a good show it was, and we should watch it, so when it came on one Friday we turned it on. Needless to say, we were completely confused and did not understand a thing of what was going on. We didn’t realize that unless you followed the series from the beginning nothing would make sense. I mean try and watch a show where the same character appears simultaneously in two planets and as someone’s ‘imaginary’ head friend. Yeah… you’d be like… ‘what the frak!’

So after continuously hearing such great things about it and everyone still insisting we watch it, we went and got the First Season and the Miniseries DVDs. Well… let me tell you, once we started watching we couldn’t stop! It was Battlestar Galactica every night, some nights we’d even watch two episodes because we just had to know what came next. The Miniseries were really awesome as was the whole first season, the conflicts just got deeper and deeper and when Head Six’s predictions and suggestions always came on target, we were left to wonder how could it be possible? Was she real, or was Baltar just an incredibly intelligent buffoon? The way all the events played out in every episode was absolutely ingenious.

The second season was just as good; the conflicts got more enigmatic and as some questions got answered more came in their place. The mysteries of the Cylons became bigger, events got stranger and conflicts arose. The ending of the season left a huge cliffhanger and left us waiting for the third for quite a long while.

Personally, I found the third season to be less powerful than the others. Some new and interesting information was introduced, but most of the episodes seemed to move slower and many of the great elements that make BSG a show apart from any others were much weaker. It has to be said, though that the ending of the season did not disappoint.

Neither does the fourth season so far. It has really moved into a new direction, one where we are left to believe that anything is possible! We can only speculate as to what the producers cooked up for the ending. But I’m sure it will be good and probably a shocking one! In the meantime I will enjoy watching every episode and hope that the new series by the BSG producers, Caprica, will be half as good as this one was.

Sky events this month, April 2009:
New Moon on the 25th, Full Moon on the 9th. Occultation of Venus happens on the 22nd. In late April and early May you can see Mercury towards the west in the twilight hours. Saturn is visible all night, look towards the east at around 8 pm to locate it (you’ll see a bright dot that does not twinkle like stars do, that’s how you can tell it is a planet). Orion can still be seen for most of the night as it moves westerly. This month Jupiter and Mars can only be seen in early morning before Sunrise. The Lyrids Meteor Shower peaks on the 22nd. Look on up and smile!
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You can read other articles by Anna Sanclement on these websites:

Anna Sanclement writes from home and has recently started to write articles for various Internet sites. She has also finished a novel and has written many stories and a movie script, just for fun.