April, 2012 – Get a Discount on Property Taxes by Signing Up for Installment Payment Plan


Get a Discount on Property Taxes by Signing Up for Installment Payment Plan


In this tough economy, Wellington residents can catch a break and receive a discount on their 2012 property taxes by signing up for the Installment Payment Plan offered by the Palm Beach County Tax Collector’s Office. Instead of paying taxes in one lump sum, property owners can make quarterly payments in June, September, December and March. Pay on time, and you’ll receive a discount of just over 3% on your property taxes.


The Installment Payment Plan is available to all Palm Beach County property owners with estimated annual taxes over $100. To enroll in this program, property owners must complete an application and either drop it off at any Tax Collector Service Center or mail it to the Palm Beach County Tax Collector, Post Office Box 3715, West Palm Beach, FL 33402-3715 no later than the close of business on Monday, April 30th, 2012. Applications are available electronically at http://www.pbcgov.com/tax/services_property_installment.shtml as well as every Tax Collector Service Center.


If you are already enrolled in the plan, you will be automatically re-enrolled and do not need to complete another application. Installment payments are due June 30th, 2012; September 30th, 2012; December 31st, 2012 and March 31st, 2013.  Property owners who miss the first payment due June 30th will be automatically removed from the Installment Payment Plan and will instead have to make the one lump sum payment in 2013.


For more information or assistance, contact the Palm Beach County Tax Collector’s Client Advocate at [email protected] or (561) 355-1608.


For information about other Wellington programs, events, activities, and updates, please visit www.wellingtonfl.gov or watch Channel 18 for the latest happenings.