April, 2012 – The Music Man at the LW Playhouse



The Music Man at the Lake Worth Playhouse


April 12 – 29
8pm, 2pm, $23-32   

“a whopping hit” 


“one of the few great musical comedies…”
-Daily News


“…The Music Man, which is as American as apple pie and a Fourth of July oration…The Music Man is a marvelous show, rooted in wholesome and comic tradition.”
-The New York Times


This Tony Award-winning, critically acclaimed Broadway classic is an all-American institution, thanks to its quirky characters, charming dramatic situations, and one-of-a-kind, nostalgic score of rousing marches, barbershop quartets and sentimental ballads which have become popular standards.


Complete with a stunning and elaborate set, The Music Man features a cast of 45 players, all local talent from the South Florida Community features a soaring soprano ingénue, Emily Thompson, parts for young performers and children and one of the musical theatre’s treasures, a tour de force leading role for the charismatic actor, Tom Cooch.  More info . . .