April, 2012 – Wellington Chamber’s Small Business RoundTable


The Wellington Chamber of Commerce and Small Business RoundTable


wc-img_0274The Wellington Chamber of Commerce presented the first session of the Small Business RoundTable series Tuesday, April 10th, 2012 at Whole Foods Market in Wellington.  This series was created to help area businesses during these difficult economic times by providing the latest tools and knowledge for them to attain their business and financial goals. 

Tuesday’s meeting included: Kellie Kuecha, President of The Woman’s Club, Mentor, Author and Speaker; Chris Heuwetter, President of Twilo Public Relations Firm; Suzanne Kovi, Speaker, Author, and TV host; plus President of Ignite Your Life.  Blanca Greenstein, Managing Partner of Morris, Laing, Evans, Brock and Kennedy Law Firm was the moderator.  This session focused on creating a personal brand, developing and maintaining  good public relations, and how to present oneself in the marketplace regarding public speaking.

wc-img_0290The Small Business RoundTable meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month and the cost is nominal.  The sessions will cover many aspects of business including accounting, legal and financial services, government assistance, traditional marketing, digital (internet) marketing, public relations, and managing employees.  Experts in these particular fields share their knowledge in an informative and interactive atmosphere.

All businesses are invited to attend.  For more information regarding location, time, upcoming topics and speakers, visit www.WellingtonChamber.com or call 561.792.6525.